- All paperwork (Athletic Packet)
- Be versatile about events
- How to make this team:
- Be committed (be at all practices)
- Be competitive
- Work hard (complete workouts)
- Be prepared (diet and nutrition)
- Be serious about track and field
- Be approximately in the top 6 athletes in your event area.
Mandatory Practice Schedule for the First 3 Weeks:
- Practice for all event areas is 3:45-6:00ish PM. We will lift at least 2 days a week, typically Tuesdays & Thursdays to start the season.
- Optional practice may be held on Saturdays, holidays, and spring break.
***TIME TRIALS – Friday, February 28 (3:45-6:00PM) and Saturday , March 1 (8:00-11:30AM)
TRYOUT EVENTS – 100m, 400m, 300H, Long Jump (on Fri), Triple Jump, High Jump, Shot Put, Discus, Pole Vault
Normal Practices are Monday-Friday 3:45-6:00 pm-ish (*can be released early)
Voluntary preseason workouts will start Monday 9/11/24 after school 3:45-5:45 PM in the stadium. For more information, please go to the following link.
** Returnees should be out there. Your varsity spot is NOT guaranteed!
**Mandatory Parent Meeting – Wednesday, February 20, 2024 @ 6:00PM, TP Lecture Hall
- Choose an event area you want to be in, or think you can be good at
- What are your strengths? (speed, endurance, power, jumping) Each strength leads to a specific event area
- The learned (technical) events (hurdles, jumps, pole vault, throws, and even distances) take time to master—you must be persistent!
SPRINTS 100m 200m 400m |
HURDLES 100HH (G) 110HH (B) 300IH |
JUMPS Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump |
DISTANCES 800m 1600m 3200m |
THROWS Shotput Discus |
RELAYS 4x100m and 4x400m – open to all event areas (but are ultimately determined by the head coaches) |
*Be careful not to try and master too many technical events in the first year—they are time-consuming.
**If you are a sprinter you should attempt to jump or hurdle. If you are fast in the 100m you can probably also long jump!