Bronco Invitational – Saturday, March 15

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Below is the meet program and time schedule for the Bronco Invitational. Please be at the school 1-1.5 hrs prior to event. There will not be a tent in the stadium. Make sure you text your coach when you arrive.

Bronco Meet Schedule

Bronco Meet Program

General Admission:

GOFAN only (link available on Friday 3/8)

$10 Adults

$5 for Students and Seniors 60+


Full Concession stand

Cash (no larger than $20’s accepted), Venmo


Bronco Invite T-shirts and Patches

Cash and Venmo $15 each

Track Schedule 2021

Practice During Season
Monday-Friday: 3:15-5:15 pm
Saturday: 9:00-12:00
Sunday: None

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